Dainese is dedicated to producing the most effective safety solutions in every arena where athletes continually push the human body and mind to surpass their prior achievements… and has done for over 100 years. From our motorcycle racing origins to alpine skiing, mountain biking, competitive sailing and outer space.
Our most recent achievements in a history of innovation include the world’s first ultrarapid-deployment airbag suit and jacket systems for motorcycle racing and road use that don’t require any vehicle-mounted sensors and a gravity load simulation suit for the International Space Station.
Like all our innovations, they’ve been developed in close collaboration with their pioneering users, designed around their needs to fully support their achievements. Or – to put it another way – they are inspired by humans.
Humans that include legendary multiple world-championship-winners Valentino Rossi and Giacomo Agostini or Australia’s own Jack Miller, America’s Cup champions Emirates Team New Zealand, astronauts Andreas Mogensen and Thomas Pesquet… and all our riders and athletes worldwide!
We pride ourselves on cutting-edge technology and innovation to keep you safe, performing at your peak and looking stylish and sophisticated whilst doing so.